30 Essential Foods to Include in your Diet


It has often been said you are what you eat, garbage in, garbage out.  World class athletes know that to perform at their best, to withstand the rigours of high intensity training and stay injury free they have to focus on their nutrition as much as they do on exercise. Believe it or not, the same is true for everyone else. Whether you are a regular daily exerciser, a weekend warrior or the coach potato, if you don’t eat well you cannot perform physically and mentally at your best. Your energy levels will be low. Physically,  you will feel sluggish and mentally, you will not be able to focus and concentrate as well.  When you don’t eat well, you will also see it in your waist line.  The empty calories associated with pops, alcohol and sugary and fatty snacks takes its toll and you slowly gain pounds and inches.

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Preparing Nutritionally for Peak Running Performance

Understanding the Nutritional Difference Between Whole-Wheat, Whole-Grain, and Multi-Grain

Since 2007 The Canadian Food Guide (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/index-eng.php) has recommended that adults have between 6 and 8 servings per day of grain products and that at least half of your grain products be whole grain. But, when we go grocery shopping what does this mean. When the packaging says multi-grain or whole-wheat, does that mean the same thing as whole-grain? Whole-grains are an important source of fibre, are low in fat and contain vitamins and minerals. They have been linked to lowering the risk of certain types of cancer (bowel) and other health disease such as cardiovascular disease. So when we go to the grocery store it is important to know that what we are buying is delivering the nutrition and health protective properties that we are expecting. Read more…

Current Information about Childhood Obesity and Food Sensitivities

Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label on Your Food Items

Reference: Government of Canada:

(http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/alt_formats/hpfb-dgpsa/pdf/label-etiquet/inl-eni-eng.pdf ).


Interactive Nutrition Label Reading and Quiz:



You may have noticed that there is nutrition information on many food packages in the grocery store. Canada introduced a new system for providing nutrition information on food labels in 2003. These new regulations are applicable to almost all pre-packaged foods, ensuring the Nutrition Facts table has a consistent “look”, and making it easy to find and read. As of December 12, 2005, most companies are required to have a Nutrition Facts table on their food products.

Nutritional Fact Table: (Click on the table to enlarge)

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Nutritional Tips to Start the New Year

By: Barb Del Brocco, Registered Holistic Nutritionist

January 2012


Happy New Year!

As a Registered Nutritionist with a particular interest in understanding the genetic factors that can contribute to poor health, I am often confronted by new clients who turn to me for nutritional coaching and advice after they have made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Typically, many of these clients have previously reached out to local health clubs and fast track diet programs looking for magic solutions to their lack of fitness and weight gain. The combination of lack of physical activity and poor diet has resulted in incremental weight gain and is a major reason our society now deals with obesity issues. Even if someone is not obese, making small and thoughtful changes to one’s lifestyle and diet can deliver lasting healthy results. Here are some simple suggestions to help you make your commitment to lead a healthier and happier life in 2012 more successful.

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Healthy Family Nutrition Presentation

Nutrition @ 50+

Nutrition is the study of food and how the body uses it. For the 50+ adult, nutrition presents special challenges. First, as we age there is often a change in food fondness. Many older adults experience a loss of appetite due to sensory changes such as smell and taste. Medication may also affect sensory stimulation to food. Second, the ability to digest and absorb food can be reduced causing constipation and inadequate absorption of essential nutrients. Third, a lack of activity or an increasingly sedentary lifestyle can reduce your appetite. If you are not burning as many calories as before your appetite won’t be a strong which again can lead to poor nutritional intake. Fourth, the loss of a spouse and having to prepare meals for only one could lead to a decrease motivation to shop and prepare good nutritious meals.

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