The Power of Potatoes
Potatoes are full of nutrients that boost energy, trim waste lines and even help ward off cancer.
The Goodness of Potatoes
- Replenish Carbohydrates after exercise– One medium baked potato contains 37 grams of carbohydrates that readily enters the blood stream and quickly restocks muscle glycogen stores.
- Boost Fibre – The type of fibre in potatoes keeps your intestinal-tract muscles working and blocks a small amount of calorie absorption. Research shows that men and women who eat fibre from vegetables like potatoes have less body fat and smaller waists.
- Speed Recovery – Red and purple-fleshed potatoes get their colour from antioxidants, and these help starve off cancer and age – related vision loss. Potatoes also contain antioxidants similar to those in broccoli and spinach, which may aid in the recovery from intense exercise.
- Healthy Heart – A single potato provides a hefty dose of potassium and 35% of your daily vitamin C needs. Vitamin C protects arteries from damaging effects of cholesterol, while potassium maintains healthy blood pressure and circulation.